
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who are you?
Strategic Growth Leaders Bible University is a ministry school chartered in 2023 in the State of Florida by a
non-profit Board of Regents. The school uniquely operates with a dual option for self-paced study and/or virtual Growth Room implementation.
2. Is the school accredited?
SGLU has a dual accreditation and a membership with a nationally recognized accrediting institution to award faith-based certifications, associates, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The university is accredited by AICCS (Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries) and by the Christian College Accreditation Commission International (CCACI).
3. What courses of study are offered?
SGLU offers associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees in Biblical Studies, Christian Counseling, Biblical Counseling, Entrepreneurship, Film & Media, and Seminary studies. T
3. What degrees are offered?
SGLU offers the following degrees.
Associates of Arts in Christian Entrepreneurship (I-3 Dream Builder)
Associates of Arts in Theology (Biblical Studies)
Associates of Arts in Biblical Nutrition
Associates of Arts in Christian Media / Film
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Entrepreneurship (I-3 Dream Builder)
Bachelor of Arts in Religious Fine Arts
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Coaching
Bachelor of Science in Christian Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Counseling
Bachelor of Arts in Prophetic Ministry
Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Biblical Studies)
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ethics & Management
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership and Business
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership
Master's of Arts in Christian Counseling
Master's of Science in Christian Psychology
Master's of Science in Practical Ministry
Master's of Arts in Theology (Divinity)
Master's of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
Master's of Arts in Prophetic Ministry
Master's of Arts in Christian Ethics & Management
Master's of Arts in Christian Entrepreneurship
Master's of Arts in Christian Ethics and Marketing
Master's of Arts in Christian Leadership
Hybrid Dual Degrees - MA in Theology (Divinity) & PhD in Practical Ministry
Hybrid Dual Degrees - MA in Theology (Divinity) & PhD in Christian Leadership and Business
Hybrid Dual Degrees - M.Sc. in Practical Ministry & PhD in Christian Counseling
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Entrepreneurship Studies (Executive Leadrship Program)
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling (Marriage, Family and Child Therapy)
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Divinity)
Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Fine Arts
Doctor of Philosophy in Practical Ministry
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Ethics & Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Leadership and Business
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Entrepreneurship (Executive Leadership Program)
4. Who are the instructors at the college?
Dr. Sonja Lowe Founder / President & Chancellor, Dr. Marietta Willis Founder / Vice President & Vice Chancellor, Dr. Warren L. Henry, Sr. Provost / Academic Dean, Dr. Nicole Gates
Vice President of University Advancement / Professor, Shanavia Portis Director of Discipleship / Professor and Stephen Portis Director of Discipleship / Professor
5. Does the school offer local classes on campus?
Some classes are available throughout the academic year in the Houston, TX Atlanta, GA, and Memphis, TN areas in the form of "Growth Rooms". Growth Rooms allow students to gather together with like-minded individuals in a community. Most of the classes are conducted as “distance learning” education. However, each student is personally mentored during growth sessions throughout the degree tracks by a qualified instructor who assists the student with learning activities and examination preparation.
6. Do students at SGLU qualify for government loans or grants?
No. Most federal and state educational benefits are offered only to students who attend colleges that have accreditation recognized by the U. S. Department of Education. To maintain its freedom in choosing curricula and employing staff and faculty, SGLU has chosen not to seek such government-based certification.
7. Does the school offer scholarships?
Yes. SGLU has scholarships and discounts for applying students. Other sources of scholarship funds are also offered by private families in support of SGLU.
8. Do the tuition rates include textbooks?
No. The textbooks are priced separately, costing from $50 to $100 per course.
9. Does a student pay tuition and other fees upfront?
Generally, a student is required to pay a non-refundable enrollment fee ($75), then upon acceptance, pays an initial down payment of approximately 30% of the total cost of the degree (including tuition, fees, and textbooks). The student signs an agreement to make monthly payments to coincide with the length of the degree program. This allows the final payment to be due and payable at the same time the student graduates. Thus, no student graduates from SGLU with a huge student-debt hanging over his head!
11. When can a student start?
A student may start working on a degree program immediately upon enrolling . . . progressing at his/her own pace, and graduating when all coursework is successfully completed and all fees are paid.
12. Does the school conduct a graduation service to present diplomas to students?
Yes, although the school does not operate on a semester or term basis, SGLU will hold one or more graduation ceremonies each year where a student may choose to participate.
13. Does the school assist graduates to secure employment?
SGLU does not offer a placement service for graduating students. However, individual faculty members can assist graduates with personal recommendations and ministerial endorsements, upon request.
14. Is SGLU affiliated with a particular denomination or church?
No. We are classified generally as independent Christians. Our students come from varied church backgrounds: independent, evangelical, charismatic, fundamental, mainline, non-denominational, etc.
15. Can I talk with someone about SGLU?
Absolutely! Call 877-742-1436 and ask to speak to a Growth Specialist.